DAV Centenary Public School Nabha paid tribute to Swami Shraddhanand Ji on his 93rd death anniversary and to mark the martyrdom of the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh-Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh,who were entombed by Aurangzeb at Fatehgarh and the elder sons Ajit Singh and Jhujhar Singh Ji who got martyrdom at Chamkaur di Garhi.In the assembly, an emotional play on the Sahibzaadas was displayed by the students of Class 3rd.Everyone applauded them for their remarkable performance.A quiz on the life history of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was done in which the students answered the questions enthusiastically.Havana yajna was conducted to seek blessings of the almighty and also to pay tribute to the martyrs. The Principal of the school Dr Meena Mehta apprised the students about the sacrifices done by Swami Shraddhanand Ji for the betterment of the society and empowering the status of women. Swamij had done uncountable contributions to the society. He was a worthy figure of DAV, was a revolutionary and an eminent educationist.The reformation done by him for improving the society are unimaginable.She emboldened the students to follow his path.Besides this she also explained the students about how the Sahibzaadas were bricked and got the martyrdom and sacrifices they had done for the society can never be forgotten. On hearing this,the whole atmosphere was filled with grief. In the end Shabad 'Raatan Lambiyan Te Rasta Pahar Da'was chanted in their memory by the students and after that with chanting of Shanti Path the programme culminated.Then the students were shown the animated movie related to the Chaar Sahibzaadas.