Event Start Date : 11/02/2022 Event End Date 11/02/2022
Formal Inauguration Ceremony of First Innovative & Beautiful Atal Tinkering Lab
DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha….
We do not receive wisdom; We must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.Congratulations!!!! It is a matter of immense pleasure and honour that DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha is going to inaugurate Its FIRST beautiful Atal Tinkering Lab on 11 February 2022, established under the patronage of NITI Ayog and the dynamic and diligent Principalship of Dr. Meena Mehta.DAV NABHA got a grant of 20 Lakh for settling ATAL TINKERING LAB-ATL by Niti Ayog.
To celebrate & make this auspicious and proud moment a blessed one, our honourable Shri H.R.Gandhar, Vice President of DAV CMC (New Delhi) and Chairman of DAV Centenary Public School,Nabha and Mrs Satwant Bhullar, Manager of our school ( Principal DAV Public school, Ludhiana) graced the occasion as distinguished chief guests.They lit the auspicious lamp at the outset of the ceremony and inaugurated the lab. It was graced by so many luminaries from the field of education and Science.Mr Vivek Tiwari (Principal, DAV Patiala), Ms Alpana Pathak (Principal,DAV Rajpura) Ms Anuja Bhardwaj (Principal DAV,Khanna), Mr Manoj Sharma (Principal DAV, Kakrala), Ms Meena Thaper (Principal Police DAV, Dadhera),Ms Sandeep Renu Principal (DAV Global Patiala), Mr Bhupendra Sharma (Principal DAV Malerkotla),Ms Renu Sharma( Principal DAV Patran) and all the members of school LMC, Mr Jaspal Juneja,Ms Neelam Aneja, Mr Chandrashekhar Jolly, Mr Sanjeev Sharma and Mr Deepak Nagpal graced the occasion with their presence.
All the distinguished guests visited the newly built lab. Students of Std.VII and VIII welcomed all the guests by singing a welcome rap.
The lab is designed to enhance scientific approach which will support young talent to give shape to their curiosity, creativity and adaptive learning. Students get a chance to experiment with their own hands and make working models. The lab will boost scientific innovation at the school. The lab is equipped with ‘Do-it-yourself Kits’ and all the instruments related to Science along with an Ideation Studio. The main attraction of the lab was a 3-D Printer. 3-D printing is the crusade of technology in recent times.One student shared about Robotic table fan which was the first model made by his team.At first they came to learn how to assemble all its parts.They have made it with Avishkar kit till now it's a simple table fan working with remote but in future they will try to insert sensor and programming to make it working without remote. Students exhibited innovative and futuristic models of smart car, smart robot, traffic lights etc. They will apply theoretical knowledge to make practical models with the help of the lab.Students presented innovative and futuristic models of ultrasonic sensing instruments, Bluetooth controlled car,line following Robot,Dancing Robot,Traffic light control,Laser trophy,Four stroke,automatic street lights etc.followed by an interactive session.All the models were beautifully explained by young innovators. The young innovators confidently handled the queries of the guests and audience.
The honorable Chief guest Shri HR Gandhar congratulated the school and wished the students many happy moments of tinkering. He appreciated the working models and projects made by students and also gave various tips to them on future models to be tried. In his address, he complimented that the whole credit goes to our beloved Principal Dr.Meena Mehta who has been working day and night towards the prosperity and progress of DAV Centenary Public School,Nabha and family. He enlightened the students and teachers by talking about various aspects of education.
In her address, the worthy Principal expressed her heartfelt gratitude to dignitaries and guests for sparing their precious time and gracing this auspicious occasion. She shared proudly that they are proud of being one of the schools in Nabha for being selected under the Atal Innovation Mission.The school is truly making all sincere efforts to create innovators for a skilled India. All students from Class VI-XII will benefit from the lab. The lab is designed to inculcate skills such as design mind set, computational thinking, adaptive learning etc. to be in sync with the global scenario. ATL lab would teach students essential 21st-century skills which will help them in developing their professional and personal skills. Skilled India is the need of the hour.