Event Start Date : 20/06/2020 Event End Date 23/06/2020
Learning is never quarantined, we are thankful to honourable Dr Nisha Peshin, Director Academics, New Delhi to give an idea of organising an online Capacity Building Programme for the teachers to enhance their learning skills during pandemic situations.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”
Teachers all around, are struggling during this quarantine time to make online teaching & learning work more effective. It is important to just embrace this new reality and work within its limitations and use the opportunities in a constructive way. With this aim, DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha organised an online three day Webinar of Capacity Building Programme for all the subjects teachers through- zoom app. This program was organised by Cluster Head of Patiala Zone C Dr. Meena Mehta, Principal DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha under the aegis of DAV CAE, DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi. The dignitaries of this CBP were Principals of different DAV schools of the Patiala Zone & renowned members of DAV CAE, DAV College Managing Committee. The webinars were going on simultaneously on various subjects. In each webinar, there were almost 100 participant teachers from different schools.
The first day of this three day webinar was conducted on 20 June 2020 for the teachers of ICT and EEDP. The first Master Trainer of this EEDP webinar was Ms Meenakshi Bansal from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha who delivered a very creative and interesting presentation on the topic "Art of StoryTelling" for LKG & UKG class. She explained creative ways to tell stories with the help of flash cards and puppets.MT Ms Rishu Ghai from DAV Samana took the second session on the topic "Pre School Teaching Understanding The Pattern of Social Emotional Development- Experiential learning". It was really an effective session. She emphasized on the techniques to make the learners’ emotions strong and suggested to provide the learners real experience of things by involving them in the task.
third session was conducted by MT Ms Payal from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic "Enhancing Language Skills” for class I and II. She presented effective techniques to enhance the learning skills of tiny tots . She also depicted her voiced videos during this session.MT Shiwani from DAV Patiala, took the last session on the topic "Phonics Successful Implementation" for class I and II. She emphasized on the phonic sounds in a very interesting way.All these Master Trainers of EEDP webinar presented their topics very well and got appreciation in the feedback session for their tireless efforts by the invited Principals, the experts of the subject.
There was another parallel slot of ICT webinar which was conducted for the teachers of ICT. Other subjects’ teachers were also asked to join in, to groom their technical skills to deal with technology for teaching and learning process as this has become the most essential demand of the time during pandemic situations.The first session of ICT was conducted by MT Ms Anju Mehta from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic: “IT Tools- Google Classrooms, Handling problems of Google forms” for the teachers of class III to VIII. She emphasised how to utilise Google Classroom for teaching and learning processes and suggested interesting and useful techniques to construct Google form for conduction of online class tests.The second session was taken by MT Ms Arashdeep Kaur from DAV Patiala on the topic, "Assessment Tools of Online Teaching". She emphasized on an interesting as well as interactive web app ‘Kahoot’ for online teaching. She said that this app is really beneficial for better learning outcomes.The third session was taken by MT Mr Rahul Kumar Sharma from DAV Samana, who focused on IT tools CISCO,WEBEX,KAHOOT, FILMIGO. He made the teachers of IX & X aware to use all these interesting & interactive apps for enhancing their technical teaching skills.The last session of ICT was conducted by Mr Rupinder Singh from DAV Global, Patiala on the topic "Cyber Security and Safety." Through his presentation, he made the teachers aware how to use email and other apps safely.It was a fruitful session.All these workshops of the first day webinar proved to be really very useful for all the concerned teachers.
The Second Day of this three day Webinar of Capacity Building Programme was conducted on 22nd June 2020 for primary and middle classes. It was in two slots.The first slot was conducted for classes III to VIII in subjects of the webinars on English, Science and Hindi whereas the second slot was in the subjects of Social Science and Mathematics and Punjabi were conducted for the teachers of middle classes by the MTs of these respective subjects.
In the morning session, English and Social Science webinars were conducted simultaneously from 9:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. Afterwards, at 11:40 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., workshops of Science and Mathematics were conducted. In the last phase, webinars of Hindi and Punjabi languages were conducted.The first session on 22-6-2020 was of Middle Level English. This webinar was conducted by MT Ms Vidhu Kaushik from DAV Patiala who took the topic, "Effective Strategies for Slow Learners" to bring positive change in the learning outcomes of slow bloomers in a very interesting way. She focused on the remedies for slow learners.
Second session of English was conducted by MT Ms Renu from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha.Her presentation was on the topic: "Enhancement of Communicative Language Techniques". She suggested various interactive measures to enhance the communicative skills of the learners. She focused on the strategies to improve Listening & Speaking skills of learners.
The first session of Science webinar was conducted by MT Ms Usha Kiran from DAV Centenary Public School Nabha on the topic :"Creativity in Learning", that was really a practical approach. She conveyed a message for 21st century teachers to be creative, inspiring to develop their skills of learning.
The second session of Science was taken by MT Ms Singh from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic: "Experiential Learning with Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking". She emphasised on the difference between Traditional learning and Experiential learning. She stressed that a teacher should be innovative and creative so that students can be inspired to indulge in a learning process.
In another parallel slot, Social Science webinar was conducted by MT Ms Romita & MT Ms Urminder Kaur from DAV Patiala. MT Ms Romita presented the topic: "Competency Based Education".She said competency based education is an outcome based approach to ensure proficiency in education.The second session of this Social Science webinar was presented by MT Ms Urminder Kaur on the topic: "Map Work in Creative Way". She suggested various interactive techniques to build the map skills of the learners. Creative and interesting methods were discussed by her to improve map skills .The first session of Mathematics webinar was taken by MT Ms Nitika from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic "Innovative Ways to Make Mathematics Easier”.This session was from 11:40 to 12:40 p.m. She suggested that teachers should teach the learners something creative and inspiring to develop their learning skills. Creativity gives innovative ideas as there are many persons who became famous through their creativity like Albert Einstein. It was a highly interactive session.MT Ms Tejinder Kaur from DAV Patiala took the next session of Mathematics on the topic: “Joyful Learning of Mathematics”. She told the purpose of seminars is to help the children to grow, to learn, to develop morally and physically.
In the last phase of the day 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm middle level webinars of Hindi and Punjabi were conducted simultaneously. Ms Priyanka from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha presented her topic on “Hindi Shikshan and Pradhyogiki”. She emphasised on the use of technology in education as it helps to increase the knowledge of learners. She suggested that everyone should update themselves with the knowledge of technology as it has become the demand of present scenario .She also taught the participants how to use Google form in the subject of Hindi.The Punjabi webinar was conducted by MT Ms Rajwinder Kaur from DAV Samana on the topic: “Hunar Atey Kala Gatividhiyan”. She beautifully explained the importance of mother tongue in the form of a poem. She told various strategies to improve the oral speech of learners. For this purpose, she suggested important activities.
The third day of this CBP was commenced on 23rd June 2020 for Secondary Level. The first session of English was taken by MT Ms Gurjeet Kaur, DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic, "Competency Based Education" It was a very useful, informative and activity oriented session. She emphasized that every learning should go into the imbibing of skills that will help the children to perform different tasks to lead a productive and joyful life. She also informed the participants how to engage the students for competency based education by using the word engage as an acrostic.The second session of English was taken by MT Ms Amanpreet Kaur from DAV Global, Patiala on the topic "An Integrated Approach to Teach Literature". She discussed different genres of Literature. She focused that language is the core of each and every subject therefore learning has become interdisciplinary.
Simultaneously, the first session of Secondary Level Social Science webinar was conducted by MT Ms Rajni Diwan from DAV, Nabha on the topic, “Virtual Class A Challenge”. She emphasized the transformation of regular classes in virtual classes. She suggested some tips for effective virtual teaching.MT Mr Satish Kumar from DAV School, Samana took the second session of Social Science webinar on the topic, "How to Develop Online Teaching". He suggested how to develop online teaching and suggested remedies for teachers to make online classes interesting.The webinar of Secondary Level Science was conducted by MT Mr Amit Oberoi from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha on the topic "Science is not in Quarantine". This session started with the theme that teachers are Corona Warriors as they are providing their best to students through online education. He explained the parameters of STREAM approach.
The second session of Secondary Level Science webinar was conducted by MT Ms Madhu Khanna from DAV Public School, Patiala on the topic "Happy Teacher's Creating Happy Spaces". She focused on the planning of interesting activities and guided the teachers to explore various effective methods for the teaching of Science.Mathematics webinar on Secondary Level was conducted in the parallel mode by MT Ms Monika Bhanot from DAV Public School, Patiala on the topic: “ICT for Mathematics Teaching Learning”. She explained beautifully that Mathematics will not teach us how to add love and subtract hate.It gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution.MT Ms Nitika from DAV Centenary Public School, Nabha presented her session at Secondary Level on the topic: “An Engagement Tool Origami”. She told that origami is an engagement tool in Mathematics classroom which allows students to see and touch Mathematics as it helps to draw, construct and describe different geometric figures. She presented the topic in a very enthusiastic manner and all participants enjoyed the session.Webinar of Secondary level Hindi and Punjabi was conducted by Ms Prerita Sood from DAV Global, Patiala on the topic: "Kavya Soundarya”.She emphasized on the techniques through which poetry teaching can become interesting. She told that teachers of language should encourage the learners to create their original poems.
The last webinar was of Punjabi language was taken up by Ms Jatinder Ruprah from DAV Patiala on the topic :"Chitra Varnan, Lekh Rachna Chitthi Patra Rachna". She emphasized on developing writing skills of students through interesting techniques. During picture description, all the aspects of a picture to be measured by the learners.In this way, the CBP ended successfully and the experts of all the subjects provided feedback after every session for the master trainers' efforts. All the participants also filled their feedback forms provided to them through an online link.Dr. Meena Mehta, Cluster Head presented a vote of thanks at the end of the CBP. She expressed her heartfelt thanks to Dr Nisha Peshin, Director Academics DAV CMC, New Delhi for her motivational spirit to enhance teaching and learning process through the conduct of online webinars. She also expressed gratitude to DAV Officials for their throughout presence in the CBP and Principals of DAV Schools of Patiala Zone for attending the sessions and for providing their feedback.. She further thanked the participants of various schools and appreciated the efforts of all the MTs of different subjects for their marvelous efforts to make the event a great success. She praised the Training Head Ms Gurjeet Kaur and IT Head Ms Triveni and her team for their tireless endeavors to make this CBP a grand success.