Event Start Date : 21/06/2020 Event End Date 21/06/2020
International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June to bring peace, harmony, happiness and success to every soul in the world. This is a great opportunity to imbibe the value of discipline. Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual practice that needs to be carried every day. Students and staff of DAV Centenary Public school, Nabha celebrated6th international yoga day during this lockdown situation. through online session under the able guidance of honourable Principal Dr. Meena Mehta. The session was commenced by Mr. Rajesh Vashisht,DP of the school. This programme was conducted in two sessions 6a.m. to 6.40am and 6.41am to 7.20am.Fristly Gayatri mantra was enchanted by the participants. After this, warm up exercises were taken.The partakers started asanas by Surya Namaskar and followed by sitting and standing asanas. Different yoga postures like Vrikshasana, Uttaanaasana, Trikonaasana, Bhadrasana, Shashankaasana, Bhujangasana, Pawanaasana were performed as per the instructions given by the instructor. The event ended with Pranayama, meditation and Shanti Hymn.
The worthy Principal congratulated all the staff members, students and parentson international yoga day.She conveyed heartfelt thanks to our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi for giving an opportunity to celebrate the International Yoga Day in this pandemic situation. She encouraged all to practice regular yoga asit improves our immune systemand gives us strength to fight withdiseases. Regular practice of yoga will surely help us achieve better life physically,mentally and spiritually as well.